Our Products

Industry 5.0

Industry 5.0 refers to robot and smart machines working alongside people with added resilience and sustainability goals included. Where Industry 4.0 focused on technologies such as the Internet of Things and big data, Industry 5.0 seeks to add human, environmental and social aspects back into the equation.



Produce TV and Internet commercials supported by artificial intelligence computer vision.



Bring the most famous fashion brands clothes and styling trends to every home on the planet Earth immediately.


Autonomous intelligent machines

Start the journey with self-aware intelligent walking, and driving, and flying machines.



Personalise visual bot to play a role of your company employees.



Protect your company data with products driven by artificial intelligence.


Agile IT architecture

Grow faster applying super scalable, extremely efficient, ultra low latency, up to date distributed architecture patterns in an agile way, on premise, and in a cloud, and on the edge.

Have a Look at Our OUT OF THE BOX Products

Extravaganza Business Services solutions

Let us change the world together by discovering new solutions in harmony with nature for the next generations.


TV and Internet commercials consistently delivers companies the highest rate of investment of all media advertisements. Now you can achieve it even easier using technologies based on artificial intelligence. Available in multi-language versions and done from stories you have written. Acted by real actors registered in or avatars looking like real people.

You can easily do it in one place.

Advertising industry


Every moment in life is special and worth to celebrate and in every situation you want to feel attractive and confident. Your personal virtual fashion stylist will adjust the outfit for a specific occasion, taking into account the dress code guidelines and current fashion trends.

Thanks to it, you will be dressed appropriately and feel confident in any situation.

Fashion industry

Visual bot

Have you ever had hard time to communicate with chat bots ? Check the revolutionary solution to communicate with bot who is chatting like a human being in over 100 languages.

Easy to plug in to your current e-commerce solution.

E-commerce industry

Self-aware intelligent machines

Self-aware intelligent machines are the next step in robots evolution. A robot is an automated machine while a self-aware intelligent machine is a combination of an organism with a machine. Robots aren’t alive while self-aware intelligent machines are like human being.

Sounds scaring ? Shouldn’t be. It is the birth of a new gender which revolutionise the deep space exploration.

Robotics industry


61% of organisations experienced a 25% jump in cyberthreats since the start of 2020. 

Solutions based on nVidia Morpheus significantly increase the level of cybersecurity in the organisation.

Cybersecurity industry

Agile IT architecture

Business Agility in an Industry 5.0 is a people and artificial intelligence centred organisation-wide capability, working hand by hand, that enables a business to deliver value to the market characterised by ever-increasing volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity.

Now it is supported by agile IT architecture.

IT industry
Special Program

We are open to new challenges

If you have an amazing idea and would like to implement it, write to us.

What Are You Waiting For...

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The most appropriate contact way is via an email for companies interested into provided products and services.

Our location

Kuźnicy Kołłątajowskiej 25, 31-234 Cracow, Poland

Active Hours

Mon-Fri: 6am-2pm EDT
     8am-8pm CEST


Email: contact@extravaganza.com.pl